Monday, January 21, 2013

The Nadir of Modern Civilization: The China-India Nucular Syndrome


Ramaswami Kumar
on Jan 20, 1:43 AM said:
Check out the energy audit of China's nukes which would be built with energy from thermal and hydros.
Google search for energy audit of the indian nuclear programme and list out the lessons. Study the programme as it goes on consuming energy from year to year giving nothing to society outside the nuclear industry. Why are Chinese and other nuclearisers so stupid? And as these people experience the perpetual shortage of energy due to this, the safety problems will grow to infinity with time. Look at what  Gofman, the former USNRC Chief had to say : There is no way I can justify my failure to help sound an alarm over these activities many years sooner than I did. I feel that at least several hundred scientists trained in biomedical aspects of atomic energy-myself included-are candidates for Nuremburg type trials for crimes against humanity for our gross negligence and irresponsibility. [But] now we know the hazards of low-dose radiation, the crime is not experimentation, it's murder. 
The India energy audit link:
The Health Of Nations Via Nukes at

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